Holiday Card
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Holiday Card
Holiday Card
Holiday Card
Happy Holidays!
This time of the year is a great time to reflect on our family and friendships. It's the perfect time to catch up and get synced with our loved ones as well!
What I Love About This Season
The best thing about this season is... Hmmm, that's a tough one. There's so much I like that picking just one thing seems disingenuous to the other favorites.

Holiday TidBits
Did you know the word "Holiday" is a contraction of holy and day? They originally represented special religious days, but have evolved generally to mean any special day of rest.
The Wiki entry for holiday suggests: Many Canadians will use the terms vacation and holiday interchangeably when referring to a trip away from home or time off work. In Australia the term can refer to a vacation or gazetted public holiday, but not to a day of commemoration such as Mothers' Day or Halloween.